My personal favorite Christmas memories of 2010
Ryder on Christmas morning amidst the presents and dazzle made a beeline straight for his bottle of milk. He wasn't interested in a thing till he had his fair share of milk. He was so happy with a new ball and a new car--He loved the simple things and didn't care for the excess. (So I might have gone a bit overboard this year with the kids and I've already boxed up half of his gifts). A good lesson learned for this Mama.
Pulling out the Christmas tree without Jon nearly giving myself a hernia in my pregnant state and then being thanked profusely by Lola for giving her "Christmas." And then upon Lola's insistence we never turned the lights off our tree.
Going shopping with Jon late at night while his parents babysat our sleeping babes. Searching all over and eating In and Out at 11:30 at night and making the car reek like onions for days afterwards.
What ever makes your Christmas Merry and Bright I hope you had in abundance.